Mama Lycha Mango Mousse

Mango Mousse

: Latin American Homes


Quick And Simple

To Go

Mama Lycha 15 mins

undefined: Beginner

    • 5 Margarita Mama Lycha cookies 

    • 1 bag of Mama Lycha green mango 

    • 2 tablespoons Mama Lycha Salvadoreanan Sour Cream

    • 1 stick of butter

    • 1 sachet of unflavored gelatin

    • 1 can condensed milk

    • Lemon to taste

    1. Blend the Margarita cookies until they are powdered, then add the melted butter, stir well.

    2. In another bowl, prepare the unflavored gelatin.

    3. Put the green mango in the blender with the Salvadorean cream and condensed milk, then add the gelatin.

    4. Serve the cookie mixture as a base and then the mango mixture, chill for 4 hours.

After 4 hours you can decorate the dessert with the sauce of your choice, we recommend chocolate sauce and a red fruit topping.

Mama Lycha Daisy Cookie

Mama Lycha, offers a great variety of delicious home style bakery products. To enjoy with a cup of coffee or just to snack on.

Mama Lycha